

Gender Equality Context in Kenya

Annie Spratt, Equal Measures 2030
Annie Spratt

Kenya has seen significant action in recent years to build institutions, infrastructure and policies to promote gender equality, including a Plan of Action to implement the National Policy on Gender and Development, launched in 2008. The country has made some progress on maternal mortality, has achieved gender parity in primary education enrolment and is approaching parity in secondary education.

The impact of legal and policy frameworks on the lives of girls and women, however, has been undermined by weak implementation and a lack of gender-responsive budgeting. Pervasive discrimination and cultural norms influence women’s land tenure and participation in labour markets; child, early and forced marriage; female genital mutilation (FGM); food security and nutrition; and access to finance and technology.

Many girls and women still lack access to basic services, and women remain under-represented in decision-making positions and political leadership.