Issue: Women’s participation in energy policymaking roles

Relevance and promising measurement approaches:

Women are predominantly responsible for using household energy, collecting fuel and cooking in the developing world. Yet, they lack opportunities for equitable participation in crafting energy policy and designing energy projects. For clean energy interventions to meet the needs of both female and male household members, they should ensure the meaningful participation of women and men in decision-making processes and throughout the value chain. Women’s participation at all levels of energy policy governance is critical, including on local energy boards, in energy decision-making bodies, in energy enterprises and in national ministries.

The Climate Investment Funds’ checklist for gender-mainstreaming projects includes sample output indicators such as the number/% of women in decision-making bodies, groups and committees, and the number of individuals indirectly employed by firms accessing improved electricity sources, disaggregated by sex. Other promising measurement approaches include intergovernmental initiatives, such as SE4All, and international programmes, such as the Energy Sector Management Assistance Programme’s (ESMAP) Gender programme which maintains a dedicated dashboard on gender and the implementation of energy projects.